8:30am – 3:30pm (M-F)
Lunch: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (Lunch Clubs)

During Instruction Time:
- During class time the LLC is used by classes for research activities. Individual students may come to the library only if they have permission of BOTH their Teacher and the Teacher Librarian. Students wanting to work in the library must come with a yellow Hall Pass Slip from their Teacher and consult with the Teacher Librarian as to whether they may in fact stay and work in the LLC.
- Gaming and movie watching is NOT permitted in the LLC.
Before and Afterschool:
- Students are welcome to come to the LLC outside of class hours to study, do research, do homework, to read, etc.
- If students wish to work beyond the posted hours please check with LLC Staff and we will, with at least a day’s notice, try to accommodate if we are able.
- The LLC may at times be closed early without notice due to other extra curricular activities and staff meetings.