English Language Arts


English Language Learners are those whose primary language(s) of the home is/are other than English, and who therefore require additional services in order to develop their individual potential within British Columbia’s school system. Some students speak variations of English that differ significantly from the English used in broader Canadian Society and in school.

At LFMSS an ELL specialist teacher works collaboratively with classroom teachers to provide the additional support services needed for these learners to acquire social and academic language fluency in English. This support can be in the form of consultation with the classroom teacher, in-class support from an ELL teacher assistant, or enrollment in adapted ELL courses. An ELL specialist teacher will test the student regularly and determine their annual individual learning plan.

The goal of English Language Learning education is to assist students to become proficient in English, to develop intellectually and as citizens, and to enable them to achieve the expected learning outcomes of the provincial curriculum [at their age/grade level]. Support for ELL students requires attention to language proficiency, intellectual development and citizenship. At LFMSS, such support is provided in a school environment that values diversity, bridges cultures and works to eliminate racism.


The English Language Arts curriculum is designed to empower students by providing them with strong communication skills, an understanding and appreciation of language and literature, and the capacity to engage fully as literate and responsible citizens in a digital age. Students are guided in their learning to think critically, creatively, and reflectively; to construct a sense of personal and cultural identity; and to be respectful of a range of perspectives and worldviews.


The various strands are offered in these combinations:

  • Creative Writing and Literary Studies
  • Composition and Literary Studies
  • English First Peoples (EFP) Literary Studies and EFP Writing 10


As students read and study a variety of texts, including novels, poetry, and films, they will develop their critical thinking skills and improve their ability to express themselves in writing. The composition course introduces students to varied writing structures, forms, and styles of compositions such as narrative, expository, descriptive, persuasive, and opinion pieces. Building on the knowledge from English 9, this course teaches students to appreciate the role of narrative and oral tradition in expressing First Peoples’ perspectives, values, beliefs, and points of view.


This course is designed for students who enjoy exploring thoughts and ideas in more creative ways and who would like to become more innovative thinkers. As students read and study a variety of texts, including novels, poetry, and film, they will be given assignments that teach them to respond in traditional ways, such as essays, but they will also be given assignments that encourage creative expression. Students will focus on studying how language shapes ideas and how the exploration of texts deepens our understanding of complex concepts, including First Peoples’ perspectives, values, beliefs, and points of view.


Literary Studies is for students who are interested in delving more deeply into literature and who want to develop higher level thinking and learning skills. As they explore specific time periods, specific themes, and specific authors from a variety of genres, students will improve their literacy skills through close readings of challenging texts. They will learn to respond to text critically to prepare them for more academic writing in the future, and creatively to appreciate the artistry of literature. Students are also given the choice of a range of literary topics to allow them to follow their passion and interests.


EFP Literary Studies 10 is designed for students who are interested in exploring First Peoples’ literature in a variety of contexts, genres, and media. This area of choice provides students with opportunities to explore personal and cultural identities, histories, stories, and connections to land/place. This course is grounded in the understanding of how texts are historically and culturally constructed. Students will work individually and collaboratively to broaden their understanding of themselves and the world. In studying Indigenous literature in a variety of genres, students will develop their competencies in reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing, and presenting.


EFP Writing 10 is designed for students who are interested in writing for a variety of purposes and contexts. Within a supportive community, students will work individually and collaboratively to develop their writing skills and create coherent, purposeful, and engaging compositions. This course is grounded in the exploration and application of writing processes, inviting students to express themselves as they experiment with, reflect on, extend, and refine their writing.


Students must choose a minimum of one of the following courses below to satisfy the Ministry Graduation Program language arts 11 requirement. Students who are passionate about learning more about English are welcome to take more than one course as an elective. For students interested in taking Advanced Placement English in grade 12 in future years, it is highly recommended that you choose a combination of the Focused Literary Studies and Composition strands.


As students read and study a variety of texts, including novels, poetry, and films, they will develop their critical thinking skills and improve their ability to express themselves in writing. Composition 11 is designed to support students as they refine, clarify, and adjust their written communication through practice and revision. Students will read and study compositions by other writers and be exposed to a variety of styles as models for the development of their writing. The course provides opportunities for students to, with increasing independence, study, create, and write original and authentic pieces for a range of purposes and real-world audiences. They will develop confidence in their abilities as they consolidate their writing craft.


How does conflict shape identity? Students will study a variety of genres including poetry, film, prose, drama, historical fiction, social media platforms and even graffiti as they explore responses to that question. They will improve their analysis of various texts that include traditional forms such as the novel but also emerging forms that include social media, looking specifically at the relationship between form and function. Throughout the courses, students will be invited to express themselves creatively. Students will develop their writing skills for a variety of purposes including fiction, script writing, documentaries, and poetry, but they will also develop the writing skills needed for academic courses.


EFP 11 is designed for students who are interested in studying First Peoples literature, using writing for self-expression and communication in a variety of contexts. Students delve deeply into oral and written literature, exploring First Peoples’ traditional and modern cultural beliefs. The main themes in this course are our relationship with nature and the power that words have in influencing our behaviour. This course provides students with a foundation for them to think critically and creatively as they continue to explore, extend, and strengthen their own writing. Within a supportive community, students work individually and collaboratively to express their ideas and create their own compositions.


What makes words powerful? How has our relationship with nature been affected by the literature of our culture? Students will explore these questions as they read a variety of texts, focusing on the Romantic period and modern literature. Students will study how literature reflects and shapes cultures, and how it continues to shape the society we live in today. Students will study a variety of texts such as poetry, novels, films, videos, articles, and new media sources. Through close readings of challenging texts from a variety of cultures and time periods, including modern day, students in this course will continue to develop higher level thinking, learning, and writing skills to help prepare them for more academic humanities courses at the college and university level.


This course is a mandatory course for grade 12 students.

What are the challenges facing our freedom as democratic citizens in an increasingly globalized world? This is the essential question students will explore as they study the influences of media on our beliefs and our culture. Studying film, visual, written, and digital texts, the students in this course will work individually and collaboratively to improve their literacy skills and become well educated citizens. This, as defined by the BC Ministry of Education, is someone who is able to think critically and creatively, and someone who is able to adapt to change. It is someone who is tolerant of the multi-faceted nature of our society and motivated to participate actively in our democratic institutions. In order to accomplish this, students will work to improve their ability to think critically about what they read and improve their ability to articulate and write effectively.

The following grade twelve English courses are electives for grade 11 or 12 students:


(Students in grade 11 wishing to take a creative writing elective in addition to their English 11 strand should register for this course.)

This course is for students who are interested in pursuing writing as a focus at university, for students who are interested in a career in the film/entertainment industry, or for students who simply enjoy creative expression. Students will refine their creative writing skills as they engage in the exploration of personal and cultural identities, memories, stories, and poems. The course allows students to create a body of sophisticated work that they can use in portfolios for university submission and gives them the opportunity to publish in real-world contexts. Students interested in applying to writing programs at university may use this course when calculating their GPA for admission. Check your university admissions requirements.


(Students in grade 11 wishing to take a literature studies elective in addition to their English 11 strand should register for this course.)

How does literature both reflect and shape cultural beliefs? Students will explore this question by studying the most influential texts in English literature and the impact they have had on modern society. Through close readings of challenging texts, students in this course will continue to develop higher level thinking and learning skills to help prepare them for more academic humanities courses at the college and university level. This course also allows students to explore a particular theme, author, time-period, or genre so that they might follow their own area of interest. Students interested in the humanities may use this course when calculating their GPA for university admission. Check your university admissions requirements.


Langley Fundamental Middle & Secondary

21250 42nd Ave, Langley
BC, V3A 8K6
Phone: 604 534 4779