Students must have a Parent Consent / Student Agreement Form on file in the school office.
- Students may use the Internet outside of school hours.
- During school hours, because of the high demand, we will discourage students from excessive use.
- Note that the Langley School Board Policy limits Internet use to curriculum related activities, therefore, the playing of GAMES and use of VIDEO or AUDIO files are prohibited by the Langley School Board Acceptable Use Policy. (Exception – assigned for curricular purposes.)
Message to Parents: LFMSS offers access to the Internet for research studies relating to school assignments. Access is available in the Library Learning Commons and the computer labs. The parent consent form is based on the Langley School Board’s Policy for On-line Learning Resources and informs parents and students of their rights and responsibilities. The school is responsible for guiding and monitoring student access to suitable educational resources. However, since inappropriate material exists on the Internet, it is important for students and parents to know that it is impossible for the school to control for all possibilities. The following rights and responsibilities outline our expectations for student on-line behaviour.
Student users have the right to access selected educational network resources.
- Student users have the right to access information that is free from hate propaganda, sexist, homophobic, racist, pornographic or obscene content.
When accessing on-line resources, all users will maintain the same standards of good taste as exist in their classroom and will behave in a respectful manner.
- Act respectfully to others:
Students will be polite and use appropriate language. Students will refrain from swearing or making comments that would offend others. - Participate responsibly:
Students will refrain from accessing resources not selected or approved by their teachers. Students will exit any inappropriate resources accidentally accessed. - Behave safely:
Students will not reveal personal information (address, phone number, bank or credit card information, etc.).